Relationship Advice For Men: What Men Need To Know To Be Good With Women
Robert came to me with a problem… a problem he thought was different to the ones I usually receive from guys.
“I’m not here to learn how to meet new women. See, I’ve been with my girl for a while and I love her very much. But lately, she’s changed and I’m worried she’s starting to consider her options.”
I sensed what was coming. “Go on,” I plodded him along.
“She seems to have lost interest in me. But I want her to be mine forever.”
Robert had a classic problem. He found it easy to pick his woman up in the first place… but was finding it hard to retain her interest.
In other words, he didn’t know what she wanted in the long run.
Short term pleasure is one thing… but keeping your girl interested in the long term is something else altogether.
For something that’s long-lasting, you need to understand how to do this one thing:
“How to manipulate the female psychology”
Once you have this particular skill, you’ll be so good with women that once she decides to be with you, she will have no need to shop around.
The Flaw That Exists In Every Woman’s Mind
Here’s the thing about the female mind that you must know:
A woman’s mind is flawed.
Guys might joke about this all the time:
“My woman is so ditzy.”
“I swear to God, women really are from Venus.”
“I just can’t figure her out at all.”
Robert was experiencing the same thing. When he came to me, it was clear that he didn’t realize the truth…
He didn’t know that his woman was unconsciously yearning for him to take charge. She wanted him to put her under his spell and lead her.
Instead, what happened?
He backed off, shied away, did the wrong things… until eventually shit hit the proverbial fan.
She was starting to see Robert as a man who wasn’t giving her what she wanted. Worse still, she realized she had other options available.
What could he have done?
Simple answer: he should have taken charge and manipulated her emotional flaws.
The Biggest Relationship Advice For Guys
Here’s the biggest piece of relationship advice for guys:
Women are driven by their emotions. To win her over, the best thing you can do is to manipulate her emotions.
This means that if you can push the right emotional buttons, they will respond to you the way you want.
And when you do the right thing, she will be attracted to you more than ever…
And depend on you more than ever…
And love you more than ever.
Sounds great, right?
On the other hand, if you let her use logic, she will use it to rationalize her attraction to you… and that’s not a good thing.
Because when a woman switches to her rational mind, there’s a high risk that she might reject you, or leave you.
How To Manipulate A Woman’s Emotions
“Look, Peter. I’m not so sure I want to manipulate my girl,” said Robert with more than a degree of hesitation.
I’ll repeat here what I said to Robert…
Everything in the world is an illusion to the naive and the blind.
Consider a magic trick…
When done properly, a magic trick can be so bewildering that it leaves us perplexed and entranced.
Indeed, there are some people who genuinely believe there is real “magic” in the world.
However, if we took the time to understand how a magic trick is performed, we would see how incredibly simple it is.
We’ll understand that magic tricks just an illusion… a clever controlling and manipulation of our senses.
And guess what? The same applies to women.
You can create an “illusion” in her mind by cleverly controlling and manipulating her senses.
This was exactly what I taught Robert to do.
How To Hack Into A Woman’s Mind: The IRAE Model
So, how do you create that “illusion” inside her mind and make her feel that you are her soulmate?
Well, the answer lies in one word:
It turns out that there’s a proven four-step process that can be used to enslave any woman emotionally.
Here’s how you do it:
- Step 1: Intrigue her
- Step 2: Build Rapport with her
- Step 3: Attract her
- Step 4: Enslave her
This process is abbreviated as the “IRAE Model” (Intrigue-Rapport-Attract-Enslave) inside Shogun Method by world expert on Mind Control, Derek Rake.
We’ll talk more about Shogun Method later… for now, let’s go through each of the steps in the IRAE Model, starting with Intrigue!
Step 1: Intrigue Her
It all starts by creating a bit of Intrigue.
Without Intrigue, there is NO excitement, NO drama and NO motivation for your woman to pay attention to you.
This is why the Intrigue stage is so important!
You create intrigue by toying with her emotions…
Get close to her, then get distant. Start something, and then end it abruptly.
Keep her on her toes, and make her guess your intentions. This means that you should NEVER declare that you like her outright. Makes sense?
Step 2: Build Rapport With Her
Once you’ve Intrigued her, the next natural step is to build Rapport with her.
Building rapport with women comes easily to those who are naturally charismatic. But what about guys who are not?
The good news is that Rapport building skills can be learned. (Either from Shogun Method or elsewhere.)
Here’s the deal about building Rapport:
We warm up to people who are like ourselves.
Here’s the kicker…
Women don’t like guys who are too similar to themselves.
Well, here’s why… it makes you look needy and desperate.
Consider this example:
“I love the theater.”
“Me too!”
“I like golf.”
“Oh, me too!”
“…I also like going to baby showers.”
“This is uncanny. Me too!”
Can you see how such behavior is repulsive to women? It’s darn clear that you’re being untruthful just to curry her favor.
And that, my friend, is highly unattractive.
Instead, you should come across as someone who cares, who understands a woman’s pain… and who has a certain degree of familiarity with them.
And here’s how to get to a certain degree of familiarity with her:
You need to talk to her, ask questions and get to know what matters to her and what her values are.
(Inside Shogun Method, this is known as Value Elicitation.)
The more you know about your woman, the more you can use that information to manipulate her! Makes sense?
Step 3: Attract Her
Let’s recap what we’ve covered so far.
If you’ve done things correctly, then you’d have Intrigued her, and build emotional Rapport with her.
So far, so good. Now, it’s time to “Attract” her.
Here’s the thing about attracting women: most guys do it wrong.
This is because there’s just so much crap out there when it comes to “how to seduce women” information.
Let’s take, for example, “Pickup Artists” (or, “PUAs”).
They will tell you that the key to making a woman feel attracted to you is by being direct.
Fuck that.
Being direct means that you’ll spend your time chasing her like an animal. Doesn’t make any sense at all, right?
In fact, the opposite is true. Women want to pursue you.
If we’ve learned anything from the Bible, it’s that the concept of forbidden fruit is hardwired into the female psychology.
She wants what she can’t have.
So what happens when you’re too forward and put yourself on a plate for her?
She won’t feel attracted to you, that’s what.
Instead, she’ll yearn for a guy who’s not making shit easy for her.
Makes sense, right?
So, here’s what you’ll need to do:
You need to keep her on her toes so that she asks herself:
“Does this guy still like me? Does he not? Why did he wear cologne today? Was that for me or for someone else?”
Make her pursue you all over again. That, my friend, is how you build attraction with a woman!
Step 4: Enslave Her
The last step in the IRAE Model is what we call the “endpoint”: ENSLAVEMENT.
For Robert was his ultimate goal… owning HIS woman forever.
When Robert first got together with his girl, he wasn’t sure that he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life…
But when it dawned on him that this was exactly what he wanted, he knew that he had to enslave her.
This is also another reason why “Pickup Artists” and conventional dating advice just couldn’t cut it for him…
He wanted ENSLAVEMENT, not “seduction”.
Inside Shogun Method, Enslavement is performed using a series of techniques:
- Emotional Segregation Tactics
- Prophesy
- Cult Indoctrination
- Deep Shared Experiences
- Black Rose Sequence
Pretty hardcore!
I won’t kid you… it wasn’t at all easy for Robert.
However, with my guidance, he managed to pull it off spectacularly and made his woman emotionally enslaved to him.
Amazing, isn’t it?
Fractionation: The Enslavement Shortcut
I gotta admit this to you… Enslavement is pretty tricky even for seasoned Shogun Method users.
Thankfully, there’s an easier alternative which could give you the same tremendous results…
… and that alternative technique is Fractionation.
Fractionation is a Mind Control technique which lets you easily hack into your woman’s mind…
…so that you can push all the right emotional buttons, making her fall for you harder than ever.
Sounds awesome, right?
The good news is that you can pretty much learn this technique quickly from Derek Rake’s Online Mind Control Masterclass:
On that page, enter your best email address so that Derek can email you the invite to the Masterclass.
That’s the same place where I got my start, and I heartily recommend it!