Female Mind Hack Tactics You Must Know
One evening, late last summer, an old friend from Portland (let’s call him Phil), pulled me aside at a party and said, “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” I replied. He proceeded to tell me about Sarah, his current girlfriend.
“She’s awful! She tells me, day in and day out, that I am not assertive enough. She has threatened to leave me many times. And you know what? She even had the audacity to say that I am not like the guys that her friends date.”
I looked at him and said, “Phil, there is nothing wrong with you, I hear this story all the time.”
“Women want what they can’t have, and it sounds like Sarah thinks that she has you in her pocket.”
Don’t Know How To Control A Woman? Then Nothing Else Matters!
See, what you don’t know about Phil is that he’s a successful real estate agent.
He drives a nice car, goes on exotic vacations, and has lots of money. (He made his dough during the boom years of Portland real estate.)
But here’s the problem with Phil…
He has absolutely no idea on how to control a woman in a relationship.
And you know what? Phil is not alone.
You see, I work with men like Phil all the time. They come to my office here on Sandy Boulevard for a coaching session or stroll into a seminar… and guess what? They all suffer the same damn thing.
Their girlfriend or wife is fucking driving them nuts.
Here’s what their women tell them:
“Why can’t you be more like Mr So-and-So?”
“Gawd, you’re such a loser.”
“Shut up, do as I say, or you’re not getting sex!”
Phil proceeded to show me a string of text messages from Sarah, in which she makes callous demands.
“Buy me this, take me here, do this, do that, blah blah blah!”
Phil continued to tell me, the same exact story, that I hear all the time from men all over the world:
“I’ve taken her out to the finest restaurants. I’ve purchased her the nicest clothes, I even buy her the most stunning jewelry, and this is the type of shit she says to me.”
Makes the blood boil just to think about it.
Now make no mistake…
Every man on the planet has to deal with this kind of stuff. Yes, even the most successful men deal with this nonsense from time to time.
So, is there a way out?
How To Understand A Woman’s Mind
Let me ask you this…
Wouldn’t it be great to have anything that you desire from any woman that you want…
…to see the woman of your dreams, lying on her back, gazing up at you with her sex eyes…
…to see her on her knees, leaning forward, with her back arched, and her eyes staring into your soul, begging for you…
Sounds amazing, right?
And guess what?
Once you learned how to control a woman’s mind and manipulate her emotions, you will have anything you want.
The key to all this is a deep understanding of how a woman thinks.
“Phil,” I told him, “The truth is, women are always motivated more by pain than pleasure. She will want what she can’t have. And that, my friend, is what makes a woman interested in a man for the long run.”
I continued, “The female brain is always wired to judge a man before she knows much about him. Women love what’s fresh, new, and exciting. They want the men who won’t give in.”
How To Control A Woman Emotionally
So, how do you control a woman emotionally then?
Before that, let me tell you what DOESN’T work.
Buying her stuff is not enough.
Playing nice is not enough.
Letting her boss you around is stupid.
“Pickup Artist” tricks are crap.
“Seduction” is useless.
To control and dominate a woman, you need to do this:
You need to enslave her.
“Enslave, what?”
If you’re taken aback by that, then understand that it’s a normal reaction.
(By the way, we are talking about emotional, not physical, enslavement. You want to make a woman emotionally addicted to you.)
Continue reading to find out how you can enslave a woman emotionally in just a few steps…
The Original Female Mind Hack: The IRAE Model
Many years ago I stumbled upon the work of Derek Rake.
(If you are not familiar with Derek’s work, understand that he’s the world’s preeminent expert on Mind Control.)
It was Derek who taught me the basics of Enslavement. (This was the time where everyone was talking about “Seduction” and “Pickup”. Derek was the only one who talked about Enslavement.)
There’s a four-step method called the IRAE Model will allow you to have any woman enslaved by you.
It will be as if you were their personal drug which they cannot resist. These are the steps that will allow you to tap into women’s psychological weaknesses.
Here are the steps of IRAE in order:
First, Intrigue the woman you desire. Then you create Rapport, and after that, you get her Attracted, and finally, you Enslave her.
(IRAE = Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction, Enslavement.)
Here’s where all the problems start…
You see, men like Phil never make it through all four steps of the IRAE Model.
They either go through the steps in the wrong order or never even make it to the enslavement stage. This, my friend, is why guys can’t control their girlfriends or wives.
Makes sense, right?
How To Use Fractionation On Women
I turned to Phil, and asked him, “Hey, I am curious, how long have you been with Sarah?”
He looked at me and answered, “Three years. Why?”
“Well Phil, it sounds like you’ve been with her for quite some time. Have you ever heard of Fractionation?”
“He looked at me and said, “What’s that? A Pickup Artist trick?”
I laughed because Derek Rake’s stuff was the exact opposite of what the “Pickup Artists” would do.
“Look, this is Mind Control. It’s way more potent than those childish Pickup Artist tricks.”
Phil was intrigued immediately.
“It will give you the powers to enslave a woman. I gotta warn you though… enslavement is not reversible. You can’t undo this shit! Once enslaved, she is always enslaved to you.”
“Tell me more.”
“You see Phil, women are like cats. Have you ever held a toy in front of a cat before?
The cat plays with the toy for a while and then gets bored. She will then walk away from the toy and want nothing to do with it.
But let me ask you this… have you ever taken the toy away from the cat, mid-play? The cat wants that toy so much more…
Women are like cats. The moment you withdraw from them, they will begin to chase you. They a natural tendency to chase what is running away from them.
So, you’ll need to create the space for the woman that you desire, to chase you.
You must go through the simple actions of enticing her and repelling her.
Alternate from pleasure to pain and to pleasure again. Do this until she is exhausted, so confused, so turned on, that she is crawling out of her skin to have you.
And Fractionation is the Mind Control technique which will do all this for you!”
Get Ready To Up Your Game!
Phil arrived at my office the following morning.
An eager learner, he quickly jumped into the Shogun Method material that I gave him. (I’m a licensed Shogun Method coach, by the way.)
He mastered the material within hours. (I must say that he was pretty motivated… the man’s been pussywhipped so badly that he would do anything to be released from the pain.)
After that, he dashed off to quickly use Fractionation on Sarah. The results were astounding:
“Peter, it completely blew my mind. I could see everything in her changed… everything. It was as if I put this magic spell on her. She turned from her feisty self into this docile little puppy, completely under my control. I had my doubts… but it fucking worked.”
Do you want the same results for yourself?
Get started by clicking this link below:
Online Mind Control Masterclass (click here)
It’s an online Masterclass conducted by Derek Rake where you’ll get to learn how to use Fractionation on women.
Give it a shot!
Works like magic, man. Amazing stuff. Control her and put her under your thumb!
Excellent, Corey!
Fabulous. I use Shogun Method, but somehow wish other people don’t know it…
I know what you mean, Bob… 🙂
Really? Could you please tell me about it?
This is the TRUTH. We have all read about how women can manipulate men. I wish everyone needs to just stop playing games, but that’s just the reality of dating these days.
More power to you!
Thank you Aaron
well accept one thing I am a dominate female and no man will ever catch this feral because I use my own method you see men like women who can do things but if you take it away he will be wanting the one who did the most for him except for the fact she knows tricks like these pretends to have been swooned but still on her a game because she is an alpha a queen and a mother fucking goddess.
Learn how to punctuate your sentences, babe.
Enjoy the cats and dildos!
You are so wrong! There are plenty of us who DO actually want this and don’t realize it till we find the right guy. For me, the way my guy treats me is SUCH a turn on! It makes his rules easy to obey, and submitting to him easier because he makes me want it. It’s wonderful!
Any experience with TBI aftermath that leaves a man completely guessing if it’s a game or just psychological changes that are completely or not completely misread?
What kind of men are you? A real man doesn’t control a woman. You are disgusting. No one should ever be enslaved to another person. This is not the dark ages you assholes!!
Relax, snowflake. You want a man to submit to: it’s true. Guys – learn how to control your woman and your relationship will be better – believe me.
I in fact am in a happy relationship with no need to control my wife. Thank you very much.
Dear Peter Gruner, I think it’s time someone told you something. You are a horrible person. To each woman in this comment section who stands up to your despicable objectifying and control tactics, you reply that she wants to be controlled by a man. Women do not need to be controlled and certainly do not want to be. The reason you even feel the need to write this article is because women are stronger, braver, smarter and better than you will ever be and you feel insecure about that. You are not in control of yourself and therefore feel the need to go and “emotionally enslave people”. Well let me tell you something. One day you will realise, while sitting sad and alone because no one will love you anymore, that you messed up. That it’s not ok to treat people like that. That women are people not objects and we will never be controlled.
So please kindly go fuck yourself.
Thank you Shauna. I love you too
I agree Mary. What a warped view on relationships. Mutual respect and communication. And both making their own $ so neither can take advantage of the other. So grateful I have a real man. Going to go hug and kiss him right now ♡.
He obviously used Shogun Method on you. Aren’t you glad, Annie?
Amen. This is intermittent reinforcement, a form of abuse. Used by the most insecure people who must resort to controlling others because they feel so out of control in their own life.
How about training guys to at all be men? You know, the kind that get jobs, have a libido and half a brain? That would work way better than this enslavement wannabe crap.
Relax, Mia. You yearn to be controlled by a man – just admit it!
Nothing new here, just Archon gospel. Remember hybrids men that you are already mind controlled by the elite power. Women have always been more spiritually connected and hence harder to control. Control the weak sex, and have them control the other sex. Strategy as old as good ol’ Satin himself. But also remember you are a dying breed. Once enough wake up, and you won’t have energy yo snack on, bye bye. A finite dying breed. Sad you will never experience the the euphoria of the higher dimensions, as a result of your own unwillingness to grow and evolve past your parasitic nature.
Meanwhile, guys who know Shogun Method are dominating their relationships and making their girlfriends and wives happy.
Hopefully, there will always be a man who can control a woman. The Bible says that, I say that and its true. Beat it!
…and Shogun Method will give you the powers to do that… and live up to your life purpose according to nature.