How To Get Her Want You – Sexually And Emotionally
“I just can’t do it,” Paul moaned.
I knew exactly what he meant, but I wanted him to say it and waited.
“I can’t get girls. I don’t know why. I’m not bad looking, do well at work. What’s wrong with me?”
“Absolutely nothing,” I responded. And that was the truth.
Paul had everything going on for him. He was intelligent, good-natured and financially stable. The unfortunate thing is that he just didn’t know how to use his good traits in the best way possible.
“Look here, Paul,” I continued. “Listen closely if you want to know how to make a woman interested in you. You’ll learn how to get her interested, and keep her interested in you forever if you want.”
Paul’s eyes opened wide. “I’m ready to learn.”
Do You Have Trouble Making Women Interested In You?
Before you do anything, take a deep breath and just be calm. Read the following carefully because it’s important.
You may be wondering if there’s something wrong with you if you can’t get women interested in you.
Let me tell you outright that there’s nothing wrong with you, and here’s why…
Attracting women doesn’t require some inborn talent. It’s a skill that you develop like any other. So, with enough practice, you can be good as anyone when it comes to seducing women.
Like my friend Paul you may be having problems making women interested in you. If you do what I ask you to do in this article, you’ll
Yet, before I share with you some specifics on how to address this problem, you’ll need to understand how women think.
Female Psychology (Or, Why Women Are Batshit Crazy)
Here’s the thing about female psychology:
It is tremendously flawed.
That’s actually a very polite way to say it. If anything, the female mind is pretty fucked up.
(And that’s why they tend to behave so weirdly and irrationally.)
And you know what? You can’t really blame them because they are pretty much born with it…
In short, they do the shit they do because they are hardwired into their brains to do so.
Things become worse as they grow up… as they watch all those Hollywood movies, read magazines like Cosmo and get terrible advice from their friends.
When you think about these things, it’s hard to even blame them for being a little crazy!
How Women Think (And How It’s Different From Men)
Compared to women, men are pretty simple creatures.
If a young blonde with big titties come near us, that’s all we need to get “attracted”.
It’s instant. And it’s automatic.
Women are different. How we look matters, but most importantly, they respond to what we say, and how we make them feel.
You see it all the time— a bald, chubby guy with some hot babe clinging to his fat forearm. What’s the deal there?
Of course, he might just happen to be some rich hedge fund manager who drives a bright yellow Lamborghini Gallardo. But you’d be surprised how often these guys just have average jobs or are even broke!
How do these fucking bastards do it?
Well, here’s the answer…
They know something that you don’t.
Specifically, they know how to manipulate the female psychology and make a woman interested in them… despite their shortcomings.
How To Manipulate The Female Mind (In Four Steps)
When it comes to female mind manipulation, nothing beats Derek Rake’s Shogun Method.
What I am going to share with you next is what’s known as the IRAE Model. It’s culled from Shogun Method, and is the de facto standard on how to manipulate a woman’s mind.
Let’s start with the first step…
Step 1: Generate Intrigue
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Paul.”
I fell asleep just writing that sentence. That’s as plain vanilla as anything. Save this boring line for business meetings.
There’s this thing that you need to understand about approaching women…
Women are programmed to be defensive when approached by guys.
Think about how many losers and creeps are out there. It’s natural to feel wary whenever a guy comes up to her.
Makes sense, right?
Therefore, your “opener” must be INTRIGUING enough for her to lower her defenses.
So how do you create intrigue?
Simple: with speed and surprise. You’ll need to capture her interest in what you have to say and keeping her talking to you.
(Inside Shogun Method you’ll get to learn how to develop “Intrigue Pings”. These are short conversational openers proven to knock a woman’s defenses down while creating interest.)
Step 2: Develop Rapport
Congratulations. If you’ve nailed Step 1, you’ll have her undivided attention. Now what?
Before I tell you what works, here’s what you should NOT do:
You should avoid what “Pickup Artists” do: “negging”.
If you’re not familiar with this “Pickup Artist” trick, it simply means this:
You insult (“neg”) her until you break her self-esteem.
It might work on a gullible 18-year-old, but who are we kidding here?
So, leave “Pickup Artist” tricks to teenagers. You’re now playing in the major leagues.
Here’s what you need to do instead. To develop genuine rapport with a woman, you have to know these two things:
- You need to be in control of the conversation, and
- You need to elicit her values.
You need to make sure you steer the conversation to keep that “hot” section of her brain firing.
Here’s the thing you need to know about Rapport generation…
To develop rapport with a woman, you need to connect with her core values.
What’s important to her? What does she believe in? What does she love? What does she hate?
Don’t worry you don’t have to go on some peace march this weekend! Just her what she’s into.
With the right Rapport building techniques you can connect with her core beliefs and get her to think:
“Wow, he really understands me.”
“I feel really connected to him.”
“No other guys have made me feel like this before.”
I gotta warn you, though…
Here’s what you need to careful about when developing rapport…
You have to thread the line between going too far or building too much comfort.
Watch out: you can indeed build too much rapport. In fact, excessive rapport leads to one thing: the dreaded Friend Zone!
To avoid the Friend Zone problem, you’ve got to do this: quickly escalate to the “Attract” stage in the IRAE Model.
Step 3: Build Attraction
With enough Intrigue and Rapport, you can now start to Attract her.
This is also where Shogun Method differs from conventional “Dating Guru” and “Pickup Artist” tricks.
Here’s how…
“Pickup Artists” try to attract a woman immediately before building intrigue and rapport with her.
This is why women reject their advances… this makes them look creepy in their approach.
Not surprising, right?
Instead, if you’ve built enough Intrigue and Rapport beforehand, Attraction is a breeze.
Inside Shogun Method, you use a technique called the ENTICE/REPEL Cycle to make a woman attracted to you.
This means that you don’t only “ENTICE” a woman… you’ll also “REPEL” her occasionally because you don’t want her to be too comfortable with you.
(The reason is pretty simple. If she feels like she “has” you then you have already lost.)
And you know what?
It doesn’t matter if we are talking about a woman you just met, your girlfriend, or your wife of twenty years.
If she grows too comfortable with you, she will control you and then she will get bored and leave you for someone else!
So, here lies the key to Attraction –
You need to be consistently inconsistent so she is always surprised by you.
Get it?
Step 4: Enslave Her
I’ll kid you not… this is where we get into trouble.
Some people read the word “ENSLAVE” and say, “Oh, these people are sick.”
And guess what? We don’t give a shit.
Well, the reason is simple.
We are preaching the truth, and the truth needs to get out, no matter how painful it gets.
And as the common cliche goes: the truth really sets us free.
Now, let’s do a quick recap.
You now know about the first three stages of the IRAE Model – Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction. These stages are about how to make a woman interested in you… and get her attracted to you in the process.
The fourth stage of the IRAE Model is ENSLAVEMENT. This final step is to keep a woman interested in you – for as long as you want.
This is also why most guys fail with women… they may manage to capture that initial interest… but this interest WILL die out unless you do this one thing:
You’ll need to enslave her emotionally.
Enslavement, Not Seduction
Here’s the entire article summarized in one short sentence:
Enslavement is what you want.
Stop reading junk conventional “Dating Guru” and impotent “Pickup Artist” advice.
You should know that “seduction” is not the point at all. Enslavement is.
There are many ways you can enslave a woman emotionally, but the “grand daddy” of all enslavement techniques is this:
“Black Rose Sequence”
The entire routine is inside Module 7 of Shogun Method, but here’s what it does:
It replaces a woman’s existing personality with a new persona which is completely subservient to you.
Some call it “brainwashing”.
In some ways, that’s pretty accurate, that’s all I got to say. 🙂
How To Enslave A Woman To You Emotionally
Make no mistake… I know that these are a lot of new information to digest.
Look here. You won’t transform into a lady killer overnight. Discovering the IRAE Model is important, but it’s just the first step in your journey.
However, there’s something you can do to get quick results, and it’s this:
Learn about how to use Mind Control on women as much as you can.
And steer clear of useless “Pickup Artist” tricks that most guys seem to be so fond of. That’s the best advice I can give you.
To discover how you can deploy Mind Control tactics on women, click here:
Derek Rake’s Online Mind Control Masterclass
That’s where I got my start. And it had completely changed my life. It will do you lots of good – believe me.
– Peter Gruner
PS: Remember our old friend Paul?
I gave him a crash course on the IRAE Model (like what I’ve given you above), and he went off a flying start.
He took his time with this woman and went through the entire IRAE process – right up to the Enslavement stage.
The results were mind-blowing…
“Pete, I’ve got something amazing to tell you. I took her from Intrigue up until Enslavement stage where I used Fractionation Seduction and Black Rose Sequence on her… and gawd, it really worked. Now she’s like wrapped around my thumb… like she’s a puppet and I’m the puppet master. I’ve never seen anything like this. Ever.
Indeed, it’s enslavement, not seduction!”
You can get the same results as Paul if you follow the same steps that he followed. Click here.
I’m older. So will this Shogun Method work on the younger women?
It will work as long as you’re not slimy!
Good morning. I need your help badly. How may I contact you?
Just got out from a 10-year relationship, and I am in bad shape.
Have a lot of doubts regarding IRAE model. Can I know how I can in touch with you or someone who could help me out?
Search for “Derek Rake”.
How do I get it?
Google “Shogun Method”.
did it work for you?
POISON in society starts with listening to guys like this who START by manipulating YOU the potential customer slowly..your thoughts, your perceptions and attitudes, and it’s amazing how fast “Cal’s” hateful thoughts, perceptions and attitudes become “normalized” then turn into dictating your behaviours and actions. He manipulates you by using your anger as a tool, It goes from Hitler to KKK to what happens in people’s homes behind closed doors and then eventually overtly in public once the hateful behaviour is”normalized”. People like “Cal” are the sh*Thole of the earth. You ARE how you treat other people.
Funny all arguments lead to Hitler, eh?
I’ll admit the word “Enslavement” threw me, but i understand what you’re saying.
What Shogun Method does is pushing her buttons and pulling away in an endless loop, Fractionation in the physical, mental, and emotional sense yes? Making her want more? After all a forbidden fruit (Shogun) lends a bigger catch right?
100% accurate, Will. You’re one of the few who “gets” Shogun Method!
I think my doctor did this to me while pregnant. Then he said he has to wait a year because of his career
When I read this it sounds like nerdy sweet guys like him do this to control the relationship?
Well, maybe you’re rethinking it. Not many people know these techniques. Your doctor is unlikely to know this.
Hi. Can I use the irae model on a girl that rejected and friendzoned me?