So, you want to know how to get any woman to really like you. Well, welcome… you’ll find out everything you want to know, and more!
Let me assure you this. What you’re going to read here is going to be different from any advice you’ve read anywhere else. Guaranteed!
For example, there’ll be no crappy advice from a “Dating Guru” like “be more confident”, or “dress to make the right impression”, or “use eye contact and positive body language”. None.
If you want bullshit junk like that, leave now and go get one of those “Pickup Artist” ebooks. Don’t waste your time here.
Still here? Good. You’ll open your eyes to the truth and see what really works when it comes to attracting women.
Before we get into it, though, you need to promise me something.
I want you to read the rest of this guide with your mind wide open.
Make no mistake… there are lots of new and unorthodox ideas in this idea… some of which are pretty controversial that could be perceived as offensive by some.
I mean, there are lots of easily triggered snowflakes out there these days, and I do hope you’re not one of them (you’re not, right?)
How To Attract Women: Use Mind Control!
If you’ve read the blog for a while, you will know I’m a huge proponent of Mind Control.
I use it (along with other deep psychological techniques) to have my pick of women out there whenever I want.
But that’s enough of blowing my own trumpet. Let’s take a little step back.
Like many men, I began learning about seduction through “Pickup Artist” ebooks, blogs and forums.
And just like everyone else, I didn’t have a lot of success using those silly Pickup Artist tricks.
It didn’t take me long to realize that we’ll need something more potent than pickup lines and “opener routines” to be successful with women.
I spent a lot of money and time researching and traveling, looking for that Seduction Holy Grail. After several years I found myself knocking on the door of a reclusive man who turned out to have the magic key to it all…
…this man is called Derek Rake.
Meeting The Master Of Mind Control Seduction
Learning about seducing women from Derek was a dream come true. Getting coached by Derek Rake directly about Mind Control was like being taught boxing by Mike Tyson!
The thing was, Derek looked somewhat unremarkable – he was the definitive Mr. Average. You would never guess he was the world’s top authority for Mind Control techniques.
We built up a real rapport, and I ended up staying with him at his San Diego home for over two weeks. Derek was pure class.
It was Derek that made me realize that I was completely misguided about the whole notion of “attraction”.
I remembered asking him:
“Derek, what’s the best advice you can give me on learning to how to seduce a woman and make her interested in me?”
His answer shocked me.
“It’s this… most of us are completely misguided about the concept of attraction.”
“How so, Derek?”
He gave me a knowing smile.
“You see, attraction’s usually a short-lived thing. When women show interest, it’s a moment in time. They could be in love today, and out of love again tomorrow. Makes sense?”
Then he leaned closer, looking like he was about to reveal a deep secret.
“This is the real key to seduce any woman… and to keep her with you long term. Forget about attracting a woman. What you need is to enslave her.”
Enslave, Don’t Seduce!
Now I’m a pretty regular guy, and so what Derek said absolutely shocked me.
Enslaving women!?
No wonder Derek’s been crucified by the likes of the Huffington Post and Cosmopolitan… what he said to be could easily offend anyone.
I took a moment to calm myself and collect my thoughts.
Then Derek placed a hand to my shoulder.
“Listen here, Peter. When I stumbled on this for the first time, believe me, I was just as shocked as you, or anyone else. But over the last few years, I’ve had to accept it as the basic truth about women… as bad as it may seem.”
I mulled over what I’d been told by Derek for a few weeks. And finally, I was able to understand this most vital principle of attraction and distilled it into this one sentence:
The most effective way you can “seduce” a woman is to enslave her.
Don’t get me wrong now…
“Enslavement” here does not mean physical restraint or anything weird like that!
(If you think keeping a woman locked up in some basement is a great idea, you need some immediate help. I’m not kidding. Go see a shrink or something.)
What we’re interested in is enslaving women emotionally.
Here’s what I mean…
You’ll need to make your woman feel completely emotionally dependent on (and addicted to) you.
And when she is enslaved to you emotionally, leaving you will simply not be an option.
Why? Well, once you’ve enslaved her, she’ll need you and your love as much as she needs air and water.
In short, you will become her key to survival. You will become her meaning of existence. She will be nothing if she is without you.
Makes sense?
How To Enslave A Woman Emotionally In Two Steps
Inside the Shogun Method, Derek lists the two steps needed to enslave women emotionally.
Step one is all about segregating her. You’ll be isolating her emotionally from the rest of the world.
More specifically, you use the “Us vs The World” sequence. This detaches her from anyone else so that it’s only you she focuses on.
After you successfully segregate her, you need to “erase” her existing identity. At its place, you’ll install a brand-new identity – one that’s subservient to your wishes.
How do you “erase” her existing identity then? Well, it’s by using a powerful Shogun Method technique known as the “Black Rose Sequence”.
Pretty hardcore!
I hope you’re getting excited because this could well be the answer to your relationship woes.
Just imagine right now that you have the power to be able to control or dominate any women you desire. How will you feel?
Awesome, right?
Choose Your Fate Right Now
Look, you’re a stranger to me, but I know one thing about you for sure…
You’re dead serious about improving your chances with women. The fact you’ve stuck with me this far proves that.
(By now, anyone who isn’t serious would have switched off and go somewhere else. You’re still with me, so congratulations.)
OK, so here’s the bottom line. Right now it’s the time to choose.
There’s always the “default option” – just keep doing whatever it is you’ve been doing.
This is probably what 99% of everyone else does.
If you choose this “default” path, logic dictates that you’ll keep getting whatever results you always have. Makes sense, right?
Or, you may want to go for the “smart option”.
Try something new. Like, giving Mind Control a shot.
By choosing this option, you’ll leave behind the Pickup Artist and dating guru bullshit and join us in the “dark side” instead.
With us, you’ll learn industrial strength Emotional Enslavement techniques and strategies that will give you the ability to make any woman surrender to your authority and control.
Sounds great, right?
So, which option for you?
Ready to take a leap of faith?
Last chance to turn away now. You’re nearing the point of no return.
Still here? Good!
Your first step on your new journey is to get a solid foundation in Mind Control. Do this by attending this Online Masterclass on Mind Control by clicking this link below –
Click Here For Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass
Click on the link and it will open a new web page. Just put in your email and Derek will send you a link to the Online Masterclass. (Make sure you use your main email account.)
There should be a message in your inbox within a few minutes. But, if you don’t get anything, it means Derek had taken the Masterclass down.
There’s a reason for that, too. You see, we’re trying to avoid as much negative media as we can. This means we may have to refuse to share it with anyone that we feel it’s not appropriate to send it out to. We hope you understand. 😊